This guide demonstrates how to use Para with CosmJS for Cosmos blockchain integration. You’ll learn how to set up the integration, perform basic operations, and handle transactions using the @getpara/cosmjs-v0-integration package.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

If you haven’t set up Para authentication yet, complete one of our authentication tutorials first and return to this guide when you’re ready to implement CosmJS integration.


Install the required packages using your preferred package manager:


For basic setup pass your Para instance and the address prefix to the ParaProtoSigner. Once created pass the signer to the SigningStargateClient.

import { ParaProtoSigner } from "@getpara/cosmjs-v0-integration";
import { SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";

// Create the Para Proto Signer
// 'prefix' is optional and used for non-cosmos addresses (e.g., 'celestia' for celestia1... addresses)
const protoSigner = new ParaProtoSigner(para, "cosmos");

// Connect to the Cosmos network
const rpcUrl = ""; // Replace with your preferred RPC endpoint
const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcUrl, protoSigner);

Once setup you can using the SigningStargateClient as you would normally with CosmJS. You can reference the

CosmJS Github

for more details.

Basic Usage

Get Address and Balance

// Get the signer's address
const address = protoSigner.address;
console.log("Signer address:", address);

// Query account balances
const balance = await client.getAllBalances(address);
console.log("Balance:", balance);

Send Tokens

For sending a transaction you can construct a transaction object and call the sendTokens method:

const recipient = "cosmos1..."; // Replace with actual recipient address
const amount = {
  denom: "uatom",
  amount: "1000000", // 1 ATOM

const fee = {
  amount: [{ denom: "uatom", amount: "500" }],
  gas: "200000",

try {
  const result = await client.sendTokens(protoSigner.address, recipient, [amount], fee);
  console.log("Transaction hash:", result.transactionHash);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error sending transaction:", error);

Advanced Transaction Signing

Sometimes you want more control over the transaction and not send the transaction directly. You can construct any valid message and sign it manually before broadcasting:

import { StdFee, Coin, MsgSendEncodeObject } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
import { MsgSend } from "cosmjs-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx";

// Prepare transaction details
const amount: Coin = {
  denom: "uatom",
  amount: "1000000",

const fee: StdFee = {
  amount: [{ denom: "uatom", amount: "500" }],
  gas: "200000",

// Create the message
const message: MsgSend = {
  fromAddress: protoSigner.address,
  toAddress: "cosmos1...", // recipient address
  amount: [amount],

const sendMessage: MsgSendEncodeObject = {
  typeUrl: "/",
  value: message,

// Sign the transaction
const memo = "Signed with Para";
const signedTx = await client.sign(protoSigner.address, [sendMessage], fee, memo);

// Broadcast the transaction
const result = await client.broadcastTx(signedTx);
console.log("Transaction result:", result);

Multi-Chain Support

To use Para with different Cosmos-based chains, specify the appropriate address prefix:

// For Celestia
const celestiaSigner = new ParaProtoSigner(para, "celestia");

// For Osmosis
const osmosisSigner = new ParaProtoSigner(para, "osmo");

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Always implement robust error handling for network and signing operations
  2. Gas Estimation: Use client.simulate() when possible to estimate gas costs
  3. Security: Never expose API keys in client-side code
  4. Testing: Test thoroughly on testnets before mainnet deployment

For alternative integration options, check out:

Server-Side Usage

For server-side implementations, refer to our server-side guide:

For complete API reference on CosmJS, visit the official documentation: