
Para’s React hooks provide an intuitive way to manage wallet state, handle transactions, and interact with the Para SDK. This guide assumes you’ve already set up the Para Modal in your application following one of our framework integration guides.

Setting Up the Provider

To use Para’s React hooks, wrap your application with ParaProvider. This provider gives your components access to Para’s hooks and state management.

import { Environment, ParaProvider, ParaModal } from "@getpara/react-sdk";
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function App() {
  return (
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
          env: Environment.DEV,
          apiKey: "your-api-key",
          onLogout: (event) => console.log("Logout:", event.detail),
          onLogin: (event) => console.log("Login:", event.detail),
          onSignMessage: (event) => console.log("Message Signed:", event.detail),
        <YourApp />
        <ParaModal /> // The provider wraps the modal

Provider Configuration

ParaProvider Props

Using the Hooks

Here’s an example component using Para’s React hooks to handle wallet connection and message signing:

import { useAccount, useClient, useSignMessage, useWallet, useModal } from "@getpara/react-sdk";
import { useState } from "react";

export function WalletComponent() {
  const { data: account } = useAccount();
  const { data: wallet } = useWallet();
  const { signMessageAsync } = useSignMessage();
  const para = useClient();
  const { openModal } = useModal();

  const [message, setMessage] = useState("");
  const [messageSignature, setMessageSignature] = useState();

  const handleSign = async () => {
    if (!wallet || !message) return;

    const signatureRes = await signMessageAsync({
      messageBase64: Buffer.from(message).toString("base64"),

    if (!("pendingTransactionId" in signatureRes) && signatureRes.signature) {

  return (
        Connected Wallet:
          ? wallet
            ? para.getDisplayAddress(wallet.id, { truncate: true, addressType: wallet.type })
            : "No Wallet Selected"
          : "Not Connected"}

      {account?.isConnected && (
            placeholder="Message to sign"
            onChange={(e) => setMessage(e.target.value ?? "")}
          {messageSignature && <span>Signature: {messageSignature}</span>}
            Sign Message

      <button onClick={openModal}>{account?.isConnected ? "Open Modal" : "Login"}</button>

Available Hooks

Query Hooks

State management hooks built on React Query:

State Hooks

Mutation Hooks

Hooks for performing actions and state changes:

Wallet Operations

Utility Hooks


Advanced Usage

Using Para with EVM Providers

The ParaProvider can work with our External Wallet Connectors to provide wallet connection. An example using our Para EVM Provider is shown below:

import { Environment, ParaProvider, ParaEvmProvider } from "@getpara/react-sdk";
import { metaMaskWallet } from "@getpara/evm-wallet-connectors";
import { sepolia } from "wagmi/chains";

function App() {
  return (
        env: Environment.DEV,
        apiKey: "your-api-key",
          projectId: "your-walletconnect-project-id",
          appName: "Your App",
          chains: [sepolia],
          wallets: [metaMaskWallet],
        <YourApp />

For more details on using external wallet connectors visit any of the external wallet integration guides:

Next Steps

Now that you understand Para’s React hooks, you can:

  • Implement wallet connection flows
  • Add transaction signing
  • Handle user authentication
  • Manage wallet state across your app