Viem is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum, providing low-level primitives for interacting with Ethereum. This guide will show you how to integrate Para’s wallet and signing capabilities with both Viem v2 (recommended) and v1.


Before integrating Para with Viem, ensure you have:

  • Set up authentication with Para. See our Getting Started guides for details.
  • Configured the Para client in your application

If you haven’t set up Para authentication yet, complete one of our authentication tutorials first and return to this guide when you’re ready to implement Viem integration.

Viem v2


Choose your preferred package manager to install the required dependencies:


First, set up the Para account and Viem client:

import { createParaViemClient, createParaAccount } from "@getpara/viem-v2-integration";
import { http, parseEther, parseGwei } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { para } from "./para"; // Your Para client initialization

// Create a Para Account
const viemParaAccount = await createParaAccount(para);

// Create the Para Viem Client
const paraViemSigner = createParaViemClient(para, {
  account: viemParaAccount,
  chain: sepolia,
  transport: http(""),

Example of signing a transaction:

// Prepare transaction parameters
const transaction = {
  account: viemParaAccount,
  chain: sepolia,
  to: "0x..." as `0x${string}`,
  value: parseEther("0.1"),
  gas: parseGwei("21000"),
  gasPrice: parseEther("0.000000001"),

// Sign the transaction
try {
  const signedTx = await paraViemSigner.signTransaction(transaction);
  console.log("Signed transaction:", signedTx);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error signing transaction:", error);

Viem v1 (Legacy)


Install the v1-specific integration package:


The setup process for v1 is similar to v2:

import { createParaViemClient, createParaAccount } from "@getpara/viem-v1-integration";
import { http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { para } from "./para";

// Create a Para Account
const viemParaAccount = await createParaAccount(para);

// Create the Para Viem Client
const paraViemSigner = createParaViemClient(para, {
  account: viemParaAccount,
  chain: sepolia,
  transport: http(""),

Example transaction signing with v1:

// Prepare and sign a transaction
const transaction = {
  to: "0x...",
  value: "0.1",
  gasLimit: "21000",
  gasPrice: "1000000000",

try {
  const signedTx = await paraViemSigner.signTransaction(transaction);
  console.log("Signed transaction:", signedTx);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error signing transaction:", error);

Server-Side Usage

While Viem can be used in both client and server environments, some considerations apply when using it server-side with Para. For server-side signing operations, please refer to our Server-Side Signing Guide for specific instructions.

When using Viem server-side, ensure you’re following proper security practices and handling authentication appropriately.

Additional Resources