
This guide covers the migration process from Capsule to Para SDKs. The migration includes package namespace changes, method signature updates to use object parameters, and introduces new React hooks for state management.

Package Changes

All packages have been migrated from the @usecapsule namespace to @getpara. Update your dependencies by replacing @usecapsule with @getpara in your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
-   "@usecapsule/react-sdk": "^3.0.0",
-   "@usecapsule/evm-wallet-connectors": "^3.0.0"
+   "@getpara/react-sdk": "^1.0.0",
+   "@getpara/evm-wallet-connectors": "^1.0.0"

All packages have been reset to version 1.0.0 under the new namespace. The functionality and package names remain the same - only the organization prefix has changed from @usecapsule to @getpara.

Mobile SDK Updates


The Flutter package has moved from capsule to para on pub.dev:

-  capsule: 0.7.0
+  para: ^1.0.0

Create instances using Para() instead of Capsule(). All method signatures remain unchanged.


The Swift SDK package is now available at github.com/getpara/swift-sdk. The main class has been renamed from CapsuleManager to ParaManager, while maintaining the same method signatures:

- let manager = CapsuleManager()
+ let manager = ParaManager()

Method signatures and functionality remain identical for both mobile SDKs - only the package names and main class names have changed.

Breaking Changes

Method Updates

All methods have been updated to use object parameters instead of multiple arguments. This change improves extensibility, type safety, and reflects our commitment to consistent API design.

Authentication Methods
Wallet Operations
PreGen Wallet Operations
Transaction Methods

All methods now use object parameters with optional properties defaulting to reasonable values. This change makes the SDK more maintainable and easier to extend in the future.

New Features: React Hooks

Para now includes React hooks for easier state management and SDK interaction. Here’s a basic setup:

import { ParaProvider, ParaModal } from '@getpara/react-sdk';

function App() {
  return (
        env: Environment.DEV,
        apiKey: 'your-api-key'
      <ParaModal />
      <YourApp />

Available Hooks

Query Hooks
Mutation Hooks
Utility Hooks

Next Steps

  1. Update your package dependencies to use @getpara/* packages
  2. Migrate method calls to use new object parameters
  3. Consider implementing React hooks for simpler state management
  4. Review framework-specific integration guides for detailed setup instructions