This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Leap’s Social Login SDK directly into your application, without using a Wallet Adapter. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the authentication flow.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

If you haven’t set up Para authentication yet, complete one of our authentication tutorials first and return to this guide when you’re ready to implement Leap Social Login.


Install the required packages using your preferred package manager:


1. Import Required Dependencies

First, import the necessary components and types:

import { CustomParaModalView } from "@leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-para-provider-ui";
// Required import for Leap Social Login UI styles
import "@leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-para-provider-ui/styles.css";
import { OAuthMethod } from "@getpara/web-sdk";
import { ParaProvider, Environment } from "@leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-para-provider";

2. Initialize Para Provider

You have two options for initializing the provider:

Option 1: Use existing Para client

If you’ve already set up Para client following the Getting Started guides:

import { para } from "./para";
// Your para will be used directly in the CustomParaModalView

Option 2: Create a new Leap Provider

If you want to initialize a new provider specifically for Leap:

const paraProvider = new ParaProvider({
  env: Environment.PRODUCTION, // Use Environment.BETA for testing
  apiKey: "your-api-key-here",


Here’s a complete example of implementing the Leap Social Login modal:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { CustomParaModalView } from "@leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-para-provider-ui";
import "@leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-para-provider-ui/styles.css";
import { OAuthMethod } from "@getpara/web-sdk";
import { para } from "./para"; // Option 1: Using existing client

const LeapSocialLogin: React.FC = () => {
  const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);

  const handleLoginSuccess = async () => {
    try {
      const account = await para.getAccount({ network: "cosmos" });
      console.log("Login successful:", account);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error getting account:", error);

  const handleLoginFailure = (error: Error) => {
    console.error("Login failed:", error);

  return (
    // The 'leap-ui' class is required for proper styling
    <div className="leap-ui">
      <button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Login with Leap</button>

        theme="light" // or "dark"

export default LeapSocialLogin;

Important Implementation Notes

Working with the Authenticated User

After successful authentication, you can interact with the user’s account:

try {
  // Get the user's account details
  const account = await para.getAccount({ network: "cosmos" });

  // Get an offline signer for transactions
  const offlineSigner = para.getOfflineSigner({ network: "cosmos" });

  // Check login status
  const isLoggedIn = await para.isFullyLoggedIn();
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error accessing account:", error);

For alternative integration options, check out: